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1001 Reincarnations, and Many More...

 1001 Reincarnations, and Many More...

The topic of reincarnation captivates us because it is intrinsically linked to life and death. There is nothing more personal than our end. Ignoring it or pretending to forget it does not alter this unquestionable reality.

I believe in the continuity of life because that is what nature teaches me. I am guided by it, for who else should I believe or consult? Its contemplation reveals exact truths: the seasons, the majestic rotation of the planets, the dance of electrons around the nucleus, the cycle of growth and renewal of plants… Everything confirms an omnipresent One Life. Even in atoms, there is movement; everything combines and regenerates eternally. There is no death, only transformation.

If we accept this One Life, a doubt arises: do we retain memories of past existences? Curiously, many yearn to know their past, but few are interested in the future. Perhaps because in that past—often imaginary—we seek to justify our present. Or maybe we fantasize about having been grand figures to compensate for our current modesty.

For those who believe they were an Egyptian priest, an emperor, or a warrior, this idea feeds their "extraordinary inner self," unknown to others but proclaimed in whispers. The problem is that there were not enough kings or heroes in history to satisfy the stories of millions of people. No one admits to having been a laborer or a servant (sic transit gloria mundi).

Let us return to the essential: One Life exists. Knowing what we were or will be is difficult, but the present offers clues. A Mozart is not born a genius by chance: he is the result of a path traveled through countless lives. Let us observe our current abilities, and we will find answers. Here, humility and patience are key.

Let us leave behind the vanity of the past and focus on the future. Although we can still change certain things, our age, mindset, and circumstances limit our freedom. For example, in old age, transformations are more difficult. The conclusion is clear: the possible changes, no matter how small, if well-directed, can project across centuries and future reincarnations, generating gradual evolutions.

Buddhists, experts in classifying mental phenomena, speak of six symbolic realms of rebirth :

  1. Animal realm: human beings but guided by animal instincts and sensual pleasures.

  2. Hell realm: human being psychologically trapped in perpetual suffering due to wrong action in the past.

  3. Hungry Ghosts realm: human being dominated by insatiable desires and frustration.

  4. Human realm: human beings, in balance between earthly desires and transcendent consciousness.

  5. Demi-Gods realm: Powerful humans, endowed with many gifts, but enslaved by ambition and the constant search for power.

  6. Gods realm: human beings who reach absolute fulfillment, enjoying a glorious incarnation but forced to incarnate again as real human beings to obtain final liberation.

These first three states reflect many current human lives, marked by pain and despair. Buddhists affirm that only in the human realm is there the possibility of attaining liberation (Nirvana). Being human is a privilege and a responsibility: practicing compassion, genuinely connecting with others, and fulfilling our duties ensures that we are reborn as true human beings and progress toward the ultimate goal.

How many rebirths are left? No one knows, but there will be many.

To criticize Easterners—especially Hindus—for their "apathy" toward reincarnation reveals Western ignorance. It is enough to remember that British colonialism (1880-1920) exterminated some 30 million Indians. What hope could the oppressed have but to be reborn under better conditions? The same can be applied to many other cultures and nations colonized and subjugated in past centuries

Today, some "spiritual teachers" sell spiritual shortcuts, promising Nirvana "in seven days," like express English courses. Behind these deceptions often lies a power structure disguised as holiness, where followers worship false gurus.

Credulitythat gullibility that makes us give up our lives for empty promises—is part of the human condition, and then so often we give up our heritage and our freedom for a plate of lentils... or molokhiyya.

To be continued…


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